Energy Savers Week: Lower Business Energy Bills with Tritility's Energy Monitoring System

Take advantage of Energy Savers Week 2024 to reach your energy efficiency goals.
January 19, 2024
Min Read

15-21 January 2024 is Energy Savers Week. The Citizens Advice and Energy Saving Trust initiative helps households across the UK reduce their energy bills and improve energy efficiency. To support businesses this Energy Savers Week, we're looking at how Tritility's Energy Monitoring System can help your business cut energy waste, costs, and consumption.

What Makes Energy Saving Essential for Businesses?

  • Cost Savings: The main advantage of business energy efficiency is cost savings. Especially if you are a small business with limited resources and need to cut costs wherever possible.
  • Environmental Impact: Energy savings translate to reduced utility costs, making it a smart choice for both the planet and your business' bottom line.
  • Carbon Reduction: Customers are more inclined to support businesses that have a clear strategy to meet their Net Zero targets.

We are an official Future Net Zero Partner and help businesses across the UK minimise their cost and environmental impact with carbon accounting and certification. If you aren't yet tracking your business's carbon emissions, now is the time to start. We'll give you the tools you need to start your carbon reduction journey. Find out more.

How to Track Your Energy Consumption

It's estimated that 46% of electricity in businesses is used outside of standard operating hours*. This could be because monitors are left on, vending machines keep things cool at night, and other similar factors.

Our Energy Monitoring System (EMS) can help you track individual machines and meters to prevent those costs. With instant access to your business minimum and peak consumption, you can prevent unexpected costs by isolating faulty equipment that doesn’t meet your performance standards.

What are the Benefits of the Energy Monitoring System?

• Complete control over your utilities.

• Reduced cost, consumption, and carbon emissions.

• Instant access to energy consumption insights down to half-hourly intervals.

• Available at no extra cost to our HH clients.

• Find out instantly how much energy your business is using out of working hours

• Identify areas where energy can be saved and make adjustments.

Combining reporting tools, expert advice, hardware, and consultancy, we’ll help you take control of cost, consumption, and carbon. Book a free demo of our Energy Monitoring System or call 0191 367 5058 to find out more.

More Energy Saving Tips for Businesses

Our EMS will help you begin tracking your energy the right way. But there are other tips businesses can follow to save energy and cut costs, starting by avoiding peaks in consumption.

Review Your Energy Tariff

  • Get in touch with your energy supplier to make sure you have the best energy deal for your business.
  • Find out the different tariffs they offer and compare them with other providers.
  • Avoid signing a contract until you've completed your research.
  • Consult an energy expert. We will help you compare rates and negotiate a better long-term deal for your business.

Turn off Lights in Unoccupied Areas

Almost half of the electricity used by businesses is during times when they are not operating. So cutting down on energy usage during these periods can help you make significant savings.

  • Remember to switch off lights in areas of your business that are not being used, and when you are not there.
  • Consider investing in lighting timers, which can automatically turn off unnecessary lights when employees are not on site.

Unplug Unused Appliances

Before you leave your premises, remember to switch off all energy sources. This includes lights, screens, vending machines, and kitchen appliances, but only if it's safe to do so.

Adjust Your Heating

Increasing the temperature by 1°C leads to an 8% rise in heating costs. If you decrease the temperature by 2°C, you can save £140 on a bill of £1,000*.

  • To keep the temperature comfortable in your workplace, set the heating to 19°C and the cooling to 24°C or higher.
  • Consider switching off office heating at weekends and bank holidays.

If you’re looking to invest in technology that will benefit your business in the long run, smart thermostats are the way to go. They give you more options and control when it comes to saving energy.

Insulate Doors and Windows

You can save up to 30% on heating costs by stopping cold air from coming into your building. To keep heat inside and save more energy, check for gaps around windows, doors, and floors that allow cold air in and warm air out.

Upgrade Your Lightbulbs

Old lightbulbs can consume up to 40% of a building's electricity. LED bulbs use less energy and last a long time compared to halogen bulbs, so switching can result in more savings in less than three years of use.

Search for any fluorescent lights at your business location that can be replaced. For example, you could switch T12 fluorescent lamps with affordable T8 energy-saving lamps. You could also save additional energy with LED tubes.

Replace Your Boiler

Heat pumps use less energy than regular boilers. The government offers up to £7,500 for the installation of a heat pump in properties that meet the requirements. Check if you’re eligible for a heat pump grant or contact us today for a free consultation.


Energy Savers Week 2024 is an opportunity for businesses to take action towards their energy efficiency goals. By looking at your business energy needs, we can help you map out your future energy costs and budget efficiently. Speak to our EMS team today to start tracking your consumption and emissions with our Energy Management System.

*Article References